Red, Green & Blue

 Red is the color of your pressure sore surgery wound. I remember you said you feel “uncomfortable with that thing” on your back. When uncomfortable is an understatement to the pain you were enduring. I am sorry I couldn’t make ‘that thing’ go away, Abah.

Green is the color of your hospital robe, which we changed every morning and evening. Sometimes there were dots of reds on the green. Green was your last color before white, when we said goodbye.

Blue is the color of one of your sarung, which Emak gave away when she cleaned your wardrobe. For the memory of you is not in the things you owned, but embedded inside our hearts.

In loving memory of Abah, Tual bin Abdul Razak (6/8/1948 - 19/2/2018)

Afzani Tual (Ajan)

I take notes of happenings in my life in hope as a piece of my life betters, so does yours.

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